Q?What shall I do if I cannot pay the application fee?

There is an application fee payable by all students applying for graduate degrees at the University of Cambridge. If you are experiencing problems paying this fee as a result of sanctions that restrict international transfers, please contact the Omid Trust so that we can look into providing assistance.

Q?How long are Masters courses at the University of Cambridge?

Most Masters courses at the University of Cambridge last for one year and are full-time. This is in line with Masters courses in most universities across the UK. The academic year in Cambridge begins on 01 October and ends on 25 June the following year.

Q?What is the difference between the University of Cambridge and its Colleges?

The University of Cambridge is made up of several Schools, Faculties, Departments and Colleges. Colleges are where students live, eat and socialise. In total, there are 31 autonomous Colleges at the University, each with their own traditions, customs and internal procedures.

At graduate level, aspiring applicants must first be admitted by their chosen faculty (e.g. medicine, law, geography, etc), after which the Colleges select their own students, subject to University regulations. Most admit both undergraduate and postgraduate students. Regardless of which College you join, you will be a member and student at the University of Cambridge, enjoying the same academic experience.

For more information on the relationship between the University of Cambridge and its constituent colleges, visit the University of Cambridge website.

Q?Why has the Trust partnered with St. Edmund’s College?

The Omid Trust has chosen to partner with St. Edmund’s College at the University of Cambridge because of its history of welcoming international students from all corners of the globe. In recent years, a staggering two-thirds of the College’s students are from some 60 countries. In addition, the College is renown for its friendly and supportive atmosphere in which graduates and Fellows mix freely. If you like any more information about St Edmund’s College, please visit their website, and feel free to contact them directly, mentioning that you are a prospective Omid scholar.

Q?Where does the Omid Trust’s money come from?

The Omid Trust formed out of the Omid Housing Association, an organisation based in London that provided social housing, education and job seeker’s advice to refugees living in the United Kingdom. From 1989 to 2012, Omid Housing Association accrued modest savings by collecting housing benefits from the recipients of its services and providing those services with the support of volunteers. Today, the Omid Trust accrues an annual income from its investments that supports its scholarship programme.

Q?When will Omid assess my application?

The Omid Trust won’t see your application until and unless you are offered a place on your desired course by our partner university. Most university faculties and departments complete their assessment of applications by spring time. This is when Omid and its funding partners will have first sight of your application.

Q?When will I hear if I have been successful?

Successful applicants will be notified between May and July.

Q?Will applying to Omid affect my chances of being offered a place on my desired course?

It has no bearing on your application for your desired course that you wish to be an Omid Scholar; you will be assessed by our partner university’s faculty or department like any other candidate.

Q?Does Omid provide feedback on unsuccessful applications?

Unfortunately, we are unable to provide detailed feedback on applications.